Many patients carry their stress in the jaw area. This stress leads to headaches and TMJ-related symptoms. Some patients may also clench their teeth or grind their teeth during sleep. A night guard can help some patients alleviate discomfort. Dr. Jacob Grapevine offers TMJ therapy and a range of treatment options to restore a healthy bite and relieve your pain.
In severe cases, snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea. Patients who suffer from sleep apnea stop breathing many times during sleep. Our dentist in Plano, TX, may prescribe a snore guard to help you alleviate symptoms.
A dental night guard is worn during sleep. These devices are custom-fitted to your mouth to ensure maximum comfort and safety. With careful supervision by Dr. Grapevine and simple instructions, you can improve the quality of your sleep and wake refreshed and stress-free. In addition to providing night guards to our patients, we also have restorative dentistry options for those who want to restore their smile.
Snore Guards Treatment
Aside from the unpleasant effects on those around individuals who snore, there are health hazards that can be associated with snoring. We can help you reduce or eliminate your snoring problem. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Grapevine to see if a snore guard is right for you.
Snore guards are devices that prevent snoring by keeping the airways open. They are worn during sleep. The snore guard brings the lower jaw forward, which prevents the tongue from sliding back into the throat, where it can obstruct your airways.
The snore guard will not only provide your loved ones with a more restful night’s sleep, but it will also help patients with sleep apnea. Many people who snore suffer from this condition, which is characterized by an occasional halt in breathing during sleep. This interrupts the sleep cycle, making you feel more tired and less rested in the morning.
Like night guards, snore guards are custom-fitted by your dentist. Your dentist will fit the snore guard to your top jaw, and make sure that it holds your lower jaw forward enough to keep your airways open. The snore guard will help you breathe evenly and deeply during sleep, preventing sleep apnea from interrupting your slumber.
Grinding your teeth and snoring at night can affect the quality of your sleep. Don’t ignore these symptoms because they may mask an underlying condition that can undermine your health if it is allowed to continue. A qualified dentist can fit you with a night guard or a snore guard to reduce teeth grinding or snoring, allowing you to get a restful night’s sleep and prevent long-term consequences to your health.
Night Guards Treatment
Night guards are specially-fitted dental devices that are designed to prevent you from clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth at night while you sleep. Night guards are cushioned trays that fit over your teeth. These devices prevent your teeth from touching or grinding against one another, as well as cushion the force from clenching the jaw.
A dentist will custom-fit the night guard to make sure that it relieves the pressure points and fits snugly enough not to slip while you sleep. By stopping these habits, the night guard prevents dental damage such as cracked teeth, worn enamel, or loose fillings, as well as prevents neck pain, ear pain, jaw pain, or headaches that result from clenching your jaw at night.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a sports mouthguard for TMJ?
No. We do not recommend using a sports mouthguard while you sleep. Sports mouthguards are best used while playing contact sports. They should only be sued for short periods of time. They are great for protecting your teeth and jaw from physical harm, but do not effectively realign your jaw while you are laying down. Do not use sports mouthguards for anything other than their main purpose.
Can night guards ruin your teeth?
No. Night guards do not harm your teeth at night. They are durable enough to work even in the presence of teeth grinding, but made from safe materials that won’t cause gum irritation or tooth damage. If you have a night guard that causes you tooth pain or other issues, it’s time to replace it. All types of night guards are not permanent and need to be replaced periodically.
Does sleep apnea go away on its own?
It is very uncommon for sleep apnea to go away on its own. There are things you can do to alleviate it without medical intervention. You can exercise more often, alter your sleep position, use a humidifier, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
Can I wear a night guard if I have braces?
We will not recommend night guards for patients with braces or Invisalign. If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, your teeth are constantly shifting. Our night guards are custom-fit to your smile. We cannot customize night guards if your teeth are changing from your braces.
Do I need to wear a night guard forever?
You will need to wear your night guard as long as you experience teeth clenching and grinding. Physical therapy and lifestyle changes can help decrease the need for wearing a night guard. Practicing good posture, exercising, and minimizing stress can also minimize the need for a night guard.
Why do I sleep better with a night guard?
A night guard separates the upper and lower teeth, which helps open up the airway, increasing airflow and making breathing easier during sleep. Night guards also relax the jaw, relieving pain and discomfort from TMD. Wearing a night guard can decrease the occurrence of TMJ symptoms and make sleeping more relaxing and comfortable.